It was creation that gave David the authority to reveal such a strong poetic verse. Through his lyrics
& music he expressed his desire to share with the world his challenges to which he fought so hard.

It is said that “the wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel”. David felt much in his lifetime...
Most important, he felt his mother and father’s love, his family, and friend’s love.

It is in this, that David was wealthy. And who, that knew David, can say that
their souls are not wealthier for the love they received in return?

For My Son David

By Loretta Franchini

This website is dedicated to all bipolar victims, their families, and all the incredibly creative and highly sensitive men and women who struggle every moment of their daily lives with mental illness. I will always pray for them to strive for hope, courage and fortitude to never give up. There is so much beauty in our world — I wish I could enfold you in my arms and have you truly feel the power of love and admiration you all deserve.

Always yours truly,
David’s Mom.... Loretta


A Book From Me and David - For You

Dearest Friends,

My book, "David", written in tribute and; honor of my son, is now available. When I first saw the book in hardcover, I wept tears of joy and sadness because of the reality and tangibility of all! No more could there be denial that physically, David had passed. - but how I grasp on to his spirit which is always with me.

There is no doubt that the writing of his story and the sincere love of my family and friends helped me to survive when I first learned of David's passing. David's image on the this website and the book demonstrates that he lives on - and that he will help others even without his physical presence.

Hopefully, when someone is in anguish and searching for
guidance; that help may be found in reading,
"David, A Young's Man's Journey Out Of The Light,
And Into The Darkness Of Bipolar".
Here is where the book can be purchased....
There is a hardcover, softcover, and even an electronic
(pdf) download at a very nominal cost.

All proceeds will go to charity serving
those with mental illness.

My Love to All
David's Mom.... Loretta
I wrote this book and created this website for my sweet son David — to honor his courage and fortitude in dealing with Bipolar—and, in the last year and a half of his life with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. (OCD) Also, with the hope of helping others understand the extraordinary suffering, loss of dignity, accompanied by shame and embarrassment caused by the stigma of mental illness and painful side effects of medications.

I need to inform and shed some understanding about mental illness while at the same time tell the world some of his story. I, his mother, honor him for all that he was. David’s generosity, kindness, compassion and fortitude, had no bounds. David’s life has not been lived in vain; no life is. He made a difference. His journey must be told. I hope this website will accomplish that.

Countless doctors’ drugs and endless blood tests, David endured so much pain; emotional and physical. Only through his music and lyrics did he express his sadness, rage, and loss of dignity. Every day he would awake to the realization that without medication - (lithium) he could experience insanity—the loss of control of brain function.

Bipolar is a medical illness.
It is usually thrust upon young adults in their late teens. Lithium helped David stabilize his mood, which, mainly exhibited as manic episodes. Brain scans have shown the brain is like a circuit board; the mother of circuit boards, with ideas and electrical impulses racing around the circuit.

Our Elected Officials
I have authored this book and website in order to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. We need officials of government to support more funding and research necessary to educate society to work toward erasing the number one problem of pain of stigma; Hospitals and mental facilities must give better, more compassionate care to those suffering the extraordinary loneliness of battling mental illness. Legislation needs to be enacted to help reduce the huge financial burden put upon the patient’s family. As better funding and treatment becomes available for all young men and women who endure this pain and loss of dignity, we will begin to erase their reoccurring suffering.

They Are Among Us
Individuals with mental Illness are not apart from us. They live among us as writers, artists, musicians, mathematicians, architects, poets, actors etc. They are highly sensitive, creative, and intelligent human beings worthy of love, compassion respect, and kindness. Let us begin to offer these things to them so as to expedite their healing.

And to my dear son David
You are always with me in spirit. I thank you with all my heart for all the joyous times we shared as well the sad times in which you have taught me so much. I will never forget you ironic humor and all our laughter. It is those warm and treasured memories that give me the strength and sustenance to carry on each day; as the grief at times feels almost unbearable.

Dave, we have been blessed. We experienced real love and respect for each other. I honor you each day by living my life the way I know you would want me to. Until I am reunited with you, Dad Lino, and Grandma Stella...

Ciao, il mio Tesoro (my treasure) Con Amore e Abbraccio Forte, Forte (With love & strong hugs)



Break-through Preventative Care Program For People Living With Bipolar Disorder

A major breakthrough in mental health has been developed, a cooperative venture between the National Bipolar Foundation and the MedicAlert Foundation; a preventative care program called "Safe 'til Stable." It provides vital medical information to emergency responders in time of need through our live 24-hour emergency response service. In a medical emergency, this can help reduce the trauma experienced by individuals impacted with bipolar disorder.

If an individual experiences an event, first responders on the scene (e.g., law enforcement, emergency services personnel, etc.) will look for a medical ID with the "MEDIC ALERT" symbol. The "Safe 'til Stable" program is a milestone; in that, those with bipolar disorder will have a voice in times when they cannot speak for themselves, will be properly routed in times of emergency providing a sense of security for the individual and those close to them.

The National Bipolar Foundation (NBPF) was founded, in 2007 by Marc Kullman, in order to reduce stigma, educate, and seek affordable health care for those people living with bipolar disorder. A National Awareness Initiative has been launched to spread awareness through press releases, press conferences, proclamations, influential people, and its online campaign through social media networking. The MedicAlert Foundation, founded in 1956, is the leader in providing identification and emergency medical information. Together both foundations have developed a program that will prevent the misdirection, misdiagnosis, and mistreatment's of participants; saving precious time and dollars.

Bipolar disorder is said to affect at least 1 in 100 people and some say as many as 1 in 25, including undiagnosed cases. This cooperative effort between NBPF and the MedicAlert Foundation will have widespread impact on our society. Children, adolescents, and adults living with bipolar disorder, who are involved in accidents and unable to speak for themselves will have the MedicAlert Emergency Services speaking for them, informing hospital staff and medical providers of their diagnoses, current medications in order to avoid potential dangerous withdrawal, and the acute onset of instability in regards to any symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Another major benefit of the program is that when a bipolar person finds themselves in an unforeseen incident, responders will react in an appropriate manner; thus given the opportunity to defuse the situation or transport the person to an appropriate facility. The implementation of this program immediately creates jail diversion benefiting all of society. The "Safe 'til Stable" program will benefit individuals wearing the identification jewelry, reduce stress on their families, and ultimately reduce the cost of their care for all taxpayers.

Source: National Bipolar Foundation


Mental Health America Applauds Bipartisan Legislation To Help Treat Depression And Bipolar Disorders

Mental Health America is applauding legislation introduced by a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators to establish national centers of excellence for the treatment of depression and bipolar disorders.

The centers will create a national network to help diagnose people in need and improve access to evidence-based, quality care.

The bill, called the "ENHANCED Act" was introduced by U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), George Voinovich (R-Ohio), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), and John Kerry (D-Mass.). Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex.) is also a co-sponsor.

The legislation is based on efforts catalyzed by the University of Michigan Depression Center with 15 other leading academic medical centers across the nation. Joining together, these universities created a network of depression centers positioned to take academic research and translate it into practice, standardize diagnoses, treat early and more effectively, and prevent recurrences of depression and bipolar disorders.

In a letter to Stabenow applauding her leadership in crafting the bill, Mental Health America said:

"These centers are especially critical at this time given the strong evidence that economic uncertainty and recession increase the rates of psychiatric symptoms and demand for services. Depression is associated with poorer health outcomes and higher health care costs. Rates of depression and suicide-already at a staggering level of nearly 33,000 persons a year (roughly twice the number of homicides)-tend to climb during times of economic tumult. Our nation must prioritize the integration and coordination of mental health with general health care."

The ENHANCED Act of 2009:

- Creates a national network with a pathway for developing and expanding up to 30 depression centers of excellence to increase access to the most appropriate and evidence-based depression care.

- Develops evidence-based treatment standards, clinical guidelines, and protocols to improve accurate and timely diagnosis of depression and bipolar disorders.

- Expands multidisciplinary, translational, and patient-oriented research by fostering the collaboration of academic and community-based service centers.

- Establishes a sustainable national resource for public and professional education and training, to advance knowledge and eradicate the stigma associated with depression and mood disorders.

Mental Health America looks forward to working with the Senate sponsors to win enactment of the legislation.

Mental Health America


Friends & Family

As in my book, here too I must thank the handful of people that have been with me every day since the loss of my son.  I would be remiss, if I did not give them mention here.

From the Book
I am grateful and blessed to have been surrounded by so many loving family and friends. Without their support, caring and patience it would not have been possible to undertake a project such as this, to which such emotional challenges were attached.

To my big sister Pat and her partner Kathy, my brother Steve and his wife Edna, and my dearest friend Bonnie. Thank you for always offering counsel and demonstrating your love; even when I was unbearably angry and blameful while deeply grieving the loss of my precious son David.

To Cliff and Wandalee. Cliff...Thank you for your assistance to me with this project. Without your collaboration, computer skills, and constant optimistic encouragement, this would be almost an insurmountable task. From my heart to yours, may I express my enormous gratitude and love. It was because of your guidance and constant encouragement that I was able to honor and give a just tribute to my sweet son.

And to Wandalee (Cliff’s wife), your expressions of uncon- ditional love and support so often pulled me out of many of my despairing moments. And as David would often write to me...
“May you both experience all “The Best This World Has To Offer, Along With Infinite Good Health?

To Ivan; David called him ‘Bro, for brother. To Ivan’s mother & father Consuelo, (my dearest adopted sister) and her husband Arnaldo. Thank you for always being there for David; exhibiting the utmost respect, unending love, kindness and humor. You sustained me in the most agonizing time of my life

To my dearest and treasured friend Deanna. Only during the month spent with you did I begin to feel a glimmer of healing. Gradually, the vicious anger that I had been expressing abated. Your extremely sensitive and caring nature gave me strength when I had none. Thank you for the many tears we shared and the lovely books we read to each other. I felt such peace and comfort in your presence.

To Simone, Silvio, and children. For I was enfolded in their loving, generous and compassionate arms while living with them for three months in Cattolica, Italy.

To Fioretta and Mario Prioli for their unending display of warmth and hospitality. And, for the delicious and unforgett- able “Romagnoli” meals at their Hotel Marconi.

To Aldo.... Who simply understood that I needed to experience again the gorgeous countryside of Italy. The abundance of natural beauty just amazed me and lightened my heavy heart. “Grazie” for your kindness, humor, and affection.

To Evelyn Miller, Joanne Neagus, and all at the National Alliance of Mental Health Support Group. I thank them for their expression of unending compassion, advice and support all through the years of David’s plight.

To Gustavo Benejam for his sincerity, kindness and knowledge- able guidance throughout my grieving process.

‘Grazie Mille’ (A Thousand Thanks) To all. Yes, my heart is bursting with gratitude and love for all of you. May you experience abundant blessings, good health, many joyous moments, and true peace.

Sempre Con Amore - Always with love
David and Loretta


Bipolar Support Groups - Do I Need One? Should I Attend?

With the world becoming smaller and smaller due to the power of the internet, I thought to myself, “what better way to reach the greatest amount of people then to create a website?” As you can see... I did! :-)

The website is an expansion of my book. It gives me the ability to extend my arms, reach out, and take by the hand many of the untold who suffer with challenges such as these, and their families.
It allows me to continue providing new research and resources, and hopefully provide inspiration and support through any thoughts and advice I may be able to offer.  I will also be documenting some of my experiences with support groups, and my on-going quest for continued peace and strength

Your Are Not Alone
If you or a loved one suffer from bipolar,  do not be alone and carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. The power of bipolar support groups are not to be underestimated. You will soon know that you are not alone. In fact, you are in some good company. You are part of a group of folks who are among some of the most highly creative and successful people throughout history. See my post on 'Can Bipolar Be Managed?'.

The majority of these groups are free and confidential. Finding a group will help speed your recovery, and teach you how to deal with the day to day challenges this condition has you facing.

Joining a support group can be one of the best things you've ever done for yourself or loved one. Next to the love and support of family and friends, it will be the best thing to help with the healing process.

Even if you or your loved one has some initial resistance, I beg you to consider at least that first meeting. You've got everything to gain and absolutely nothing to loose. Research has proven the value of bipolar support groups and how the can aid in recovery process.

A five-year, SAMHSA-funded study that compared participants in group support to those receiving traditional services, those in support groups showed greater improvement in well-being (including recovery, social inclusion, empowerment, quality of life, meaning of life and hope). This recent DBSA report on bipolar support groups describes how much support groups can help, and offers evidence that peer support can be effective.

Bipolar group support can offer many simple yet practical coping techniques. Helping one gain inner peace, learning how to change the their reactions to the people and situations they feel they have no control over. Members learn how to identify and manage negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors that can lead to emotional distress and stress related physical symptoms. The techniques are learned through regular attendance at meetings, studying the Recovery literature, and daily practice.

What groups exist?
There are a different styles of groups available. One may be a self-help group facilitated by a professional clinician.

Some groups are patient focused...and some groups are family-focused.

Seek some advice, or use your own judgment on which type you think you would like to try. Now, know that you are not tied to any group. If you feel are not comfortable or happy in a particular group, move on and seek out another.

The wonderful thing about 99% of these groups is that they are cost free! This is an incredible blessing given the high cost of therapy.  Of course, the patient will still need a doctor or psychiatrist though. Medication is essential for most bipolar people, and should only be obtained under the care of an expert physician.

Recommended groups
A good place to start is a Depression and Bipolar Support (DBSA) local group.The DBSA bipolar support groups are volunteer run and provide self-help through peer facilitated meetings. They are not group therapy, however, they usually have professional advisors from the community (for example a psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse or social worker). Each local group may do things a little differently but all DBSA groups will offer a high level of sharing and caring and bipolar group support to help you stay well.

Take two minutes and listen to this sweet man.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
2107 Wilson Boulevard, #300
Arlington, VA 22201

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
730 N. Franklin Street, #501
Chicago, IL 60610

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
120 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)   
6001 Executive Blvd., Rm 8184 MSC 9663
Bethesda, MD 20892
TTY: 866-415-8051

National Mental Health Consumers Self-Help Clearinghouse
1211 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization. They they cover a broader range of mental health issues and this site focuses on bipolar. However, NAMI groups are excellent and well worth trying, especially if you are interested in a more family-focused approach.

Unfortunately there are not bipolar support groups in every area. However, there are over 700 groups in the US so you are still more likely than not to find one.

Bipolar group support offers some or all of the following:

1. Connection and friendship with others who relate & very well understand your plight.
2. An outlet to vent in a way you may not want to such as home or the workplace.
3. Libraries of books and videos on bipolar and other mood disorders.
4. Access to many expert guest speakers who participate quite often.
5. Information on medication, therapies, legal rights, and local services and clinicians.
6. Encouragement and motivation.


A Brilliant Madness
by Patty Duke & Gloria Hochman
An Unquiet Mine
by Kay Redfield Jamison
Darkness Visible
by William Styron
Daughter of the Queen of Sheba
by Jackie Lyden
Manic Depressive Illness
by Goodwin and Jamison
by Ronald Fieve, M.D.
On the Edge of Darkness
by Kathy Cronkite
Sights Unseen
by Kaye Gibson
The Beast
by Tracy Thompson
We Heard the Angels of Madness
by Berger

Remember... there IS help.... there ARE people who care.... Use the resources, for one day you too will be the, 'help' and 'caring' for another in need. And THAT, is the best therapy for recovery of them all!

with Love
Loretta F.


Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder

This article was found on the 'National Alliance on Mental Illness' (NAMI) website. This website, of the NAMI organization is one of the finest resources for information and help. Please visit them over here.

Can children and adolescents get bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder can occur in children and adolescents and has been investigated by federally funded teams in children as young as age 6.

How common is it in children and adolescents?
Although once thought rare, caseloads of patients examined for federally funded studies have shown that approximately 7% of children seen at psychiatric facilities fit bipolar disorder using research standards.

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents?
One of the biggest challenges has been to differentiate children with mania from those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Both groups of children present with irritability, hyperactivity and distractibility. So these symptoms are not useful for the diagnosis of mania because they also occur in ADHD.

But, elated mood, grandiose behaviors, flight of ideas, decreased need for sleep and hypersexuality occur primarily in mania and are uncommon in ADHD. Below is a brief description of how to recognize these mania-specific symptoms in children.

Elated children may laugh hysterically and act infectiously happy without any reason at home, school or in church. If someone who did not know them saw their behaviors, they would think the child was on his/her way to Disneyland. Parents and teachers often see this as "Jim Carey-like" behaviors.

Grandiose behaviors are when children act as if the rules do not pertain to them. For example, they believe they are so smart that they can tell the teacher what to teach, tell other students what to learn and call the school principal to complain about teachers they do not like. Some children are convinced that they can do superhuman deeds (e.g., that they are Superman) without getting seriously hurt, e.g. "flying" out of windows.

Flight of ideas is when children jump from topic to topic in rapid succession when they talk and not just when a special event has happened.

Decreased need for sleep is manifested by children who sleep only 4-6 hours and are not tired the next day. These children may stay up playing on the computer and ordering things or rearranging furniture.

Hypersexuality can occur in children with mania without any evidence of physical or sexual abuse. These children act flirtatious beyond their years, may try to touch the private areas of adults (including teachers), and use explicit sexual language.

In addition, it is most common for children with mania to have multiple cycles during the day from giddy, silly highs to morose, gloomy suicidal depressions. It is very important to recognize these depressed cycles because of the danger of suicide.
What treatments--medications and psychosocial--have been shown to be effective for children and adolescents with this condition?

At this time there are several ongoing studies of how to best treat children, but until more scientific data is available clinicians are left using their best judgment on how to manage using medications that have been effective in adults. These are largely three main types of drugs -- Lithium, anticonvulsants (e.g., Depakote or other valproate products) and atypical neuroleptics (e.g., risperidone, olanzapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, quetiapine).

Are there any side effects associated with these treatments, including those that may only occur in young people?
Side effects that are particularly troublesome and that are worse in children include the following. Atypical neuroleptics (except aripiprazloe) are associated with marked weight gain in many children. One day we hope to have specific genetic tests that will tell us beforehand which people will gain weight on these medications. But right now, it is trial and error.

The dangers of this weight gain include glucose problems that may include the onset of diabetes and increased blood lipids that may worsen heart and stroke problems later in life. In addition, these drugs can cause an illness called tardive dyskinesia, which is irreversible, unsightly, repeated movements of the tongue in and out of the mouth or cheek and some other movement abnormalities.

Depakote may also be associated with increased weight and possibly with a disease called polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS). In some cases POS is associated with infertility later in life. Lithium has been the market the longest and is the only medication that has been shown to be effective against future episodes of mania and of depression and of completed suicides. Some people who take lithium over a long time will need a thyroid supplement and in rare cases may develop serious kidney disease.

It is very important that children on these medications be monitored for the development of serious side effects. These side effects need to be weighed against the dangers of the manic-depressive illness itself, which can rob children of their childhood.

How do children and adolescents with this disease fare over time and as adults?
At this time, regrettably, the disease appears more severe and with a much longer road to recovery than is seen with adults. While some adults may have episodes of mania or depression with better functioning between episodes, children seem to have continuous illness over months and years.

Does bipolar disorder in children have an impact on educational achievement?
It is challenging to educate a child who is seriously too "high" or too "low." Therefore educators need to be aware of the diagnosis and make special arrangements.

Is suicide a risk?
Any talk about wanting to die, or asking why they were born or wishing they were never born must be taken very seriously as even quite young children can hang themselves in the shower, shoot themselves or complete suicide by other means.

Reviewed by Barbara Geller, M.D., January 2004


Can Bipolar Disorder Be Managed?

Let's Take a Look At The Many Famous People Who Are Victims Of This Condition.

It is evident from all these people that Bipolar Disorder can be managed. People with Bipolar Disorder really do have a great deal to offer this world. Here's a list and a video. Sad? No, inspiring. Yes! Inspiring to know that control is within a Bipolar sufferer's grasp.

List of people affected by bipolar disorder: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of people accompanied by verifiable source citations associating them with bipolar disorder (formerly known as "manic depression"). This list includes only: a) deceased persons; and b) living persons who have been frank about their condition. It does not include speculation about status of living people who have not publicly stated themselves to have bipolar disorder. In addition to the above criteria, persons are only listed here if they also meet the Wikipedia notability criteria for biographical articles.

Many famous people are believed to have been affected by bipolar disorder, based on evidence in their own writings and contemporaneous accounts by those who knew them. It is often suggested that genius (or, at least, creative talent) and mental disorder are linked; the connection was widely publicized by Kay Redfield Jamison in Touched with Fire, although many of the diagnoses in the book are made by Jamison herself.

Note that this list should not contain entries for performers who have an apparently manic or depressive public persona, but do not meet the criteria above, nor should the content of song lyrics or other creative works be regarded as autobiographical without independent external evidence that confirms this. Click 'Read More' below for a complete printed list.

* Rigoberto Alpizar, shooting victim.
* Sophie Anderton, model
* Adam Ant, musician

* Ludwig van Beethoven, composer. (Scientific analysis of Beethoven's hair has given rise to speculation that lead poisoning may have been a cause of his depression.)
* Andy Behrman, author of the book Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania
* Max Bemis, frontman of the band Say Anything, spoke about his diagnosis in an interview with Spin magazine in 2006.
* Maurice Benard, actor. He has discussed his diagnosis with Oprah Winfrey, and has since become active in promoting bipolar awareness.
* Ludwig Boltzmann, physicist and mathematician. He "suffered from an alternation of depressed moods with elevated, expansive or irritable moods." John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.
* Adrian Borland, British musician
* Russell Brand, comedian and actor. "In a low-key admission at the end of the book, he says he was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder – manic depression – after he kicked the drugs for good in 2002 which goes some way to explaining his almost superhuman indifference to the chaos and catastrophe that almost lead him to obscurity."
* Andrea Breth, German stage-director
* Jeremy Brett, actor
* Frank Bruno, boxer; was hospitalized for a short period and is currently on lithium.
* Barney Bubbles, graphic designer

* Robert Calvert, former Hawkwind frontman
* Alastair Campbell, press advisor
* Georg Cantor, mathematician. Cantor's recurring bouts of depression from 1884 to the end of his life were once blamed on the hostile attitude of many of his contemporaries, but these bouts can now be seen as probable manifestations of bipolar disorder.
* Dick Cavett, television journalist. "CAVETT: Both in hypomanic, which I have had, and incidentally, one has to admit many patients say I am cured now, I am fine. But I must say I miss those hypomanic states. They are better off where they are
* Iris Chang, historian and journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle
* Kurt Cobain, musician. His cousin, Beverly Cobain, a "registered nurse (…) [with] experience as a mental health professional" and author of a book, When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens ISBN 1-57542-036-8, stated in an interview: "Kurt was diagnosed at a young age with Attention Deficit Disorder [ADD], then later with bipolar disorder; (…) As Kurt undoubtedly knew, bipolar illness can be very difficult to manage, and the correct diagnosis is crucial. Unfortunately for Kurt, compliance with the appropriate treatment is also a critical factor."
* Patricia Cornwell, American crime writer.
* Robert S. Corrington, theologist. In his book Riding the Windhorse: Manic-Depressive Disorder and the Quest for Wholeness ISBN 9780761826194 (Hamilton Books, New York, 2003) he gives a personal account of his own struggles with the condition.
* Michael Costa, former Australian Labor party politician and Treasurer of NSW. "Mr Costa said a number of state parliamentary colleagues approached him about their mental health problems after he publicly revealed his battle with bipolar disorder in 2001."

* Ray Davies, musician: is openly bipolar; also see his autobiography, X-Ray
* Richard Dreyfuss, actor, BBC Documentary
* Mike Doughty, musician. First described himself diagnosed as bipolar in 2007 on his blog.
* Patty Duke, actress.

* Carrie Fisher, actress and writer. "'I ended up being diagnosed as a bipolar II,' says Fisher."
* Stephen Fry, actor, comedian and writer. "As a sufferer of the disorder, Stephen Fry is speaking to other sufferers to find out about their experiences and visiting leading experts in the UK and US to examine the current state of understanding and research." Stephen has recorded a documentary about the life of the manic depressive which aired on the BBC.

* Alan Garner, novelist. According to the Guardian, "In The Voice that Thunders (Harvill), a collection of critical and autobiographical essays, Garner casts light on his writing and thinking, and the role that manic depression plays in his creativity".
* Paul Gascoigne, English footballer. "His second book, released this year, centres on his therapy - for alcoholism, eating disorders, OCD, and bipolar disorder, among others."
* Mel Gibson, actor and director.
* Matthew Good, Canadian musician. He first disclosed his illness in a personal blog. It was during the writing and recording of Hospital Music that he suffered one of his worst episodes.
* Philip Graham, publisher and businessman. "It had finally penetrated to me that Phil's diagnosis was manic-depression…" Katherine Graham (1997), Personal History, p. 328; Knopf, 1997, ISBN 0-394-58585-2 (book has numerous other references).
* Macy Gray, musician and actor. As documented in an interview with Saul Williams
* Graham Greene, English novelist.Extract from Graham Greene: A Life in Letters]: "Greene was managing the impulses of bipolar illness, involving mood swings from elation, expansiveness or irritability to despair and would quickly be guilty of repeated infidelities."
* Ivor Gurney, English composer and poet.

* Terry Hall, lead singer of The Specials
* Alexander Hamilton, politician.
* Linda Hamilton, actress. Star of the Terminator movies. Was diagnosed at the age of 40
* Mariette Hartley, American actress, has publicly spoken about her bipolar disorder.
* Jonathan Hay, Australian rules footballer
* Kristin Hersh, musician, formerly of rock band Throwing Muses, is occasionally mentioned as having bipolar disorder, one example being a Muses biography. She has also mentioned the disorder in several interviews.
* Abbie Hoffman, political activist: "Abbie was diagnosed in 1980 as having bipolar disorder, more commonly known as manic depression."
* Marya Hornbacher, writer. Hornbacher wrote Madness, a memoir of her struggle with bipolar disorder, after writing Wasted, which detailed her eating disorder.

* Jack Irons, drummer, formerly of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Pearl Jam.

* Kay Redfield Jamison, clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, who profiled her own bipolar disorder in her 1995 memoir An Unquiet Mind and argued for a connection between bipolar disorder and artistic creativity in her 1993 book, Touched with Fire.
* Daniel Johnston, musician: "Johnston's output in his late teens and early 20s proved to be a symptom of his worsening manic depression." The Guardian Unlimited, Saturday August 20, 2005: "Personal demons", review of film, The Devil and Daniel Johnston:
* Andrew Johns, Professional Rugby League Player. — has gone public about his condition.

* Kerry Katona, English television presenter, writer, magazine columnist and former pop singer with girl band Atomic Kitten. BBC
* Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy has been open about mental health issues, including being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
* Otto Klemperer, conductor
* Margot Kidder, actress — self-described: "I have been well and free of the symptoms that are called manic-depression for almost five years, and have been working steadily and leading a happy and productive life since then."
* Patrick Kroupa, writer and hacker, has been very open about his drug use and mental health issues, after his last heroin detox in 1999. He mentions bipolar disorder openly in several interviews.

* Vivien Leigh, actress, cited in Holden, Anthony, Laurence Olivier, Sphere Books Limited, 1989, ISBN 0689115369 ; pp 221–222
* Neil Lennon Footballer with Celtic FC open about his battles with depression
* Jenifer Lewis, American actress, spoke about her diagnosis on Oprah in September 2007.
* Bill Lichtenstein, print and broadcast journalist and documentary filmmaker, profiled in Time magazine, October 10, 1994.

M* Kristy McNichol, actress. The former child star and teen idol left the show Empty Nest due to her battle with the depression. McNichol later returned to the show for a few episodes during the series' last season.
* Kate Millett, author, The Loony-Bin Trip (1990) discusses her diagnosis of bipolar disorder, describing experiences with hospitalization and her decision to discontinue lithium therapy.
* Spike Milligan, comedian and writer. "I had to write a new show every week for six months. If Hitler had done that to someone it would be called torture. I was in such a state of hypertension that I was unapproachable by human beings. I became a manic depressive."
* Ben Moody, musician. The former guitarist from Evanescence.
* John A. Mulheren, American stock and option trader and philanthropist.
* Edvard Munch, artist. Rothenberg A. Bipolar illness, creativity, and treatment. Psychiatr Q. 2001 Summer;72(2):131–47.

* Sir Isaac Newton, pioneering scientist and mathematician.
* Florence Nightingale, nurse and health campaigner. BPW "Florence heard voices and experienced a number of severe depressive episodes in her teens and early 20s - symptoms consistent with the onset of bipolar disorder", Dr. Kathy Wisner, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

* Sinéad O'Connor, musician. She discussed her diagnosis with Oprah Winfrey in October 2007.
* Graeme Obree, Scottish racing cyclist. World hour record 1993. Individual pursuit world champion in 1993 and 1995. Cited in 2003 autobiography, Flying Scotsman: Cycling to Triumph Through My Darkest Hours and 2006 film.
* Phil Ochs, musician
* Ozzy Osbourne, singer. Lead singer of Black Sabbath and his self-titled band. Cited in VH1's "Heavy: The History of Metal" in 2006.
* Cheri Oteri, actress. Saturday Night Live Cast Member. Cited in Shales T.& Miller A. (2002) Live From New York, A Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live.
* Craig Owens, singer for American band Chiodos.

* Nicola Pagett, actor. Wrote about her bipolar disorder in her autobiography Diamonds Behind My Eyes ISBN 0575602678
* Jaco Pastorius, jazz musician. "Jaco was diagnosed with this clinical bipolar condition in the fall of 1982. The events which led up to it were considered "uncontrolled and reckless" incidences."
* Jane Pauley, TV presenter and journalist. The former Today and Dateline host describes being diagnosed with bipolar disorder in her autobiography "Skywriting: A Life Out of the Blue", which she wrote in 2004, as well as on her short-lived talk show.
* Jimmy Piersall, baseball player.
* Edgar Allan Poe, poet and writer.
* Gail Porter, British TV presenter
* Emil Post, mathematician. Martin Davis, 1994, "Emil L. Post: His Life and Work" in Davis, M., ed., Solvability, Provability, Definability: The Collected Works of Emil L. Post. Birkhauser
* Charley Pride, country music artist. (autobiography) Pride: The Charley Pride Story. Publisher: Quill (May 1995). "Pride discusses business ventures that succeeded and those that failed, as well as his bouts with manic depression. He tells his story with no bitterness but lots of homespun advice and humor."

* Rene Rivkin, entrepreneur.
* Barret Robbins, former NFL Pro Bowler.
* Axl Rose, lead singer and frontman best known for Guns N' Roses "I went to a clinic, thinking it would help my moods. The only thing I did was take one 500-question test - ya know, filling in the little black dots. All of sudden I'm diagnosed manic-depressive."
* Richard Rossi, filmmaker, musician, and maverick minister, revealed for the first time in a live interview on the Lynn Cullen show on June 5, 2008 the link between his artistic productivity and his depression to bipolar disorder, stating that "my father was bi-polar one, and I'm bi-polar two." He spoke of the relationship between creativity and the illness.

* Nina Simone, American singer. Interview with her daughter Simone, The Sunday Times June 24, 2007
* Michael Slater, International Australian cricketer, forced to retire because of related symptoms.
* Tony Slattery, actor and comedian.[30] "I rented a huge warehouse by the river Thames. I just stayed in there on my own, didn't open the mail or answer the phone for months and months and months. I was just in a pool of despair and mania." BBC Documentary
* Sidney Sheldon, producer, writer; wrote about being a victim of bipolar disorder in his autobiography The Other Side of Me.
* Tim Smith, rugby league player whose career with NRL side Parramatta Eels was ended due to his bipolar condition, and pressure from the media.
* Peter Steele, frontman of metalband Type o Negative
* Stuart Sutherland, British psychologist and writer

* Steven Thomas, American entrepreneur.
* Gene Tierney, Academy Award nominated actress, Best Actress (1945)
* Devin Townsend, musician, Strapping Young Lad, The Devin Townsend Band. He took himself off of his medication to write lyrics for Strapping Young Lad's album Alien.
* Nick Traina, singer, "in the last year of his life, he began telling people he was manic-depressive."
* Timothy Treadwell, American environmentalist and bear enthusiast, featured in the 2005 documentary film by Werner Herzog titled Grizzly Man.
* Margaret Trudeau, Canadian celebrity and ex-wife of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau (deceased). She now travels Canada and other countries speaking out against the stigmas on mental illness

* Jean-Claude Van Damme, actor
* Vincent van Gogh, artist.
* Kurt Vonnegut, author

* Scott Weiland, musician. (Stone Temple Pilots, Velvet Revolver)
* Mark Whitacre, business executive described in the true story movie, The Informant
* Brian Wilson, musician.

See also

* List of people believed to have been affected by unipolar depression

* Jamison, Kay Redfield (1993): Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament, New York, The Free Press. ISBN 0-02-916030-8
* All entries succeeded by NAMI are on the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill list of famous persons with Mental Illnesses



Top 10 Signs of Bipolar Disorder

By John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

Bipolar disorder, which is also known by its older name "manic depression," is a serious mental disorder that responds to treatment with both medication and psychotherapy.

Not everyone who has bipolar disorder (manic depression) experiences every symptom. Some people experience a few symptoms, some many. The severity of symptoms varies with individuals and also varies over time. The top 10 signs of mania, one part of bipolar disorder, are:

* Abnormal or excessive elation
* Unusual irritability
* Decreased need for sleep
* Grandiose notions
* Increased talking
* Racing thoughts
* Increased sexual desire
* Markedly increased energy
* Poor judgment
* Inappropriate social behavior

People with Bipolar Disorder must not only meet the criteria for the signs and symptoms listed above, but also for an episode of depression.

The health information contained herein is provided for general education purposes only.
This site should not be seen as a substitute for an official diagnosis or for professional health care.

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